Professional Speaking

Gary in an internationally acclaimed expert in the science of human excellence. He has over a 35-year career in designing and integrating the most influential models of psychology-based systems of success in leadership, human behavior, relationships, communication, and team dynamics.

Gary's most requested programs:

The Power of DEEP Leadership

Deep Leadership is a cutting-edge dive into the neuroscience of what makes people tick and how leaders can permanently evolve their leadership capacity.  The presentation opens the owner’s manual to the mind. It reveals how emotions drive behavior and how to develop consistent and congruent actions that build trust and loyalty among team members and clients.  This presentation blows apart the traditional leadership training and takes your executive and management team members on a journey of profound self-awareness, self-accountability, and personal breakthrough.  You cannot change a team's culture without changing the member's Mindset. This presentation will deliver real change.

Associated training offerings:

  • 4 hour
  • 8 hour
  • Three day Intensive

Build a HIGH Performing Team

Building High performing teams is built upon three pillars of successful organizational development.  Pillar #1 is a team member empowerment system to ensure you have the right people in the right roles with the right coaching to help them evolve.  Pillar #2 is team leadership development training to evolve and develop each team member. Pillar #3 is team collaborative problem-solving, innovation, and alignment training.  This presentation provides a three-step strategy for leaders to develop, sustain and empower their teams to a quantum level of talent actualization and turn disengaged teams into rock-star problem solvers and innovators.

Associated training offerings:

  • 4 hour
  • 8 hour
  • Three day Intensive

The Art of Influence

The ability to understand and ethnically influence others to create powerful relationship alliances both within your organization and with your customers is paramount to success.  So little of our communication is verbal.  Only 7% percent of the meaning of your communication is what you say, 38% is the tonal quality of your voice, your cadence of speech, or the intonations in your voice.  55% percent is your body language, posture, hand gestures, body stances, and energy.  Most leaders are not aware of these subtle influence qualities and therefore miscommunicate. Within this presentation, you will understand the power of how people are reading your communication and learn how to develop greater People Intelligence to increase emotional intelligence and the ability to create loyal relationships whether you desire to influence one person, a small team, or thousands in a conference. 

You will finally understand the secrets very few leaders know, and how to present with power, effectiveness, and confidence.

  • 4 hour
  • 8 hour
  • Three day Intensive
